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Ian Watson is the British regional director of the Science Fiction Writers of America and the European editor of the SFWA Bulletin. He is a member of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and of the growing British organization BAND (Book Action for Nuclear Disarmament). His most recent novel, The Book of the River, the first volume of a triology in progress, was serialized in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. He is also the author of The Martian Inca, Alien Embassay, Miracle Visitors, God's World, and Chekhov's Journey. Campbell Memorial Award his second novel in the field, The Jonah Kit, won the British Science Fiction Association Award. His first science fiction novel, The Embedding, won the French Prix Apollo and was runner-up for the John W.

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Slow Birds by Ian Watson Ian Watson, a graduate of Oxford University, lives with his wife and daughter in North Hamptonshire, Great Britain.

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