Visual studio code debug haxe
Visual studio code debug haxe

visual studio code debug haxe

Then type Configuration and choose the option to edit the C/C++ configuration. Invoke the Command Palette by right clicking inside the source file and selecting that option. This will ensure all files are stored in the correct spot. In VS Code open the folder containing your project using File\Open Folder. Later you can probably find the documentation that discusses how to configure the paths and run the same commands as the command prompt (it is just a shell script) so you can forgo this extra step. This is how VS Code will be able to locate the MSVC components it needs. You must start VS Code from the Developer Command Prompt that is generated when you install VS. You have already installed Visual Studio 2019 or the Visual Studio 2019 Build Tools so you have access to the C++ debugger and compilers. This has a minor impact on the build files later. c to clarify this is C files and not C++. You already have a folder with your source files in them. Ok, let's start at the beginning and note that I'm basically following the steps given here. There is nothing wrong with the installation.

visual studio code debug haxe

There is no benefit in reinstalling VS Code.

Visual studio code debug haxe